Bkool Workouts


Bkool offers cycling Workouts that have been designed by professional trainers that are perfect for improving performance and fitness, but also with the added feature of being able to create your very own custom Workout using the “Workout Creator

How does the Bkool Workout Creator work?

Through the Workout Creator you can prepare trainings based on the fractional interval system using power zones to establish the intensity of each interval.

Workouts are currently in Beta phase. We will be releasing the final version this year with additional features and improvements. Therefore, what’s described here could change slightly, however it will give you the basic understanding as to how they work and what they can do.

To get the most accurate Workout, you must first update your UPF to define your Power Zones.

After performing the UPF test, head over to Bkool.com and open your profile. You’ll see that your Power Zones have been created. In the following table, you have the difference between Power Zones and Percentage of Intensity.

Z1 Between 0% and 55%
Z2 Between 56% and 75%
Z3 Between 76% and 90%
Z4 Between 91% and 105%
Z5 Between 106% and 120%
Z6 Between 121% and 150%

The Bkool Workouts creator is simple to use.

Firstly, you need to choose what category your Workout falls under and enter a description. 1 The list of categories are:
– Active Recovery
– Aerobic Resistance
– Rhythm
– Threshold
– VO2 Max
– Anaerobic Capacity

cycling workouts Bkool
In the image, you can see an empty graph. This is where every segment you create in the table below will end up giving you a visual view of the Workout. Underneath the graph, you’ll see the “TOTAL TIME” which is the duration of the session 2.

Keep in mind that the warm-up (10 minutes) and cool-down (5 minutes) are not included in the total time of the session.

Each segment can have a specific duration, intensity zone and optimum cadence 3. Note: Currently the intensity % doesn’t make any changes in the simulator, you will need to change the zone.

Clicking on “Add Segment4 will introduce a new segment block.

If you want to set the cadence 5 you can enter a margin of +- 5, 10 or 15. The simulator you will mark the cadence range.

cycling workouts Bkool


You have the option to duplicate any of the segments that you’ve created and want to repeat. On the right-hand side of the page you’ll see the button “Duplicate segment” 6. Next to this button, you’ll also find the option to delete it.


The segments can be moved by clicking on the arrow icon 7 on the left, and dragging it to the place where you want.

Note: The Workouts creator has a limit of 17 segments per Workout.

cycling workouts Bkool
Once you have your Workout ready click on “Save” or “Schedule“. If you click Schedule it will be programmed directly into your scheduled routes which can be found inside the Bkool Simulator.

cycling workouts Bkool
Whether you program or save your Workout, you can always find it in Sessions>Workouts and using the filter to display sessions created by you.

Apart from the degree of difficulty of the session, the terms IF and TSS will also help you understand the difficulty of the session.

The IF (Intensity Factor) is the Normalized Power for a cyclist expressed as a fraction of the Functional Threshold Power (FTP). IF = NP / FTP

The TSS (Training Stress Score) is a score based in a 1 hour workout at FTP pace, time trial style. That effort would be awarded 100 TSS points.

You can calculate the value with the following formula:

TSS = [(s × NP × IF) ÷ (FTP × 3600)] × 100

Where s is time in seconds, NP is Normalized Power, IF intensity factor and FTP is the Functional Threshold Power.


  1. Hello,
    How can I edit an existing personnal workout ?
    I’ve begon to make a workout, I would like to continue it, I don’t find any editing button.
    THanks for answer.


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