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What equipment and accessories do we need to train with BKOOL?

Now that autumn has shown its face, the cold and the rain have arrived, which is not as favourable for cycling. Fortunately, thanks to platforms such as BKOOL, we can successfully bridge the most unfavorable months of the year for the practice of our sport.

In this article we make a brief review of all the equipment and accessories you need to face the coming months from home and with the help of BKOOL. Go through the list with us and make sure you’re not missing anything!

Computer, tablet or Smartphone

In order to enjoy our platform it is essential to have a device that allows you to download the application and enjoy it. Keep in mind that the bigger the screen, the better the experience.

You can use BKOOL from a Smartphone, but the ideal option is a good computer monitor. Or even a TV.


While you can use BKOOL with a basic trainer – as long as you have a powermeter built into your bike yourself – a smart trainer will take the experience to another level.

Among its advantages, a smart trainer has automatic resistance control, includes its own powermeter, is much quieter, connects wirelessly to your devices and can simulate the incline.

Indoor cycling accessories

Beyond the essential equipment, consisting of a device that allows you to download BKOOL and a basic trainer plus powermeter or a smart trainer, there is a long list of accessories that can make life easier during our indoor cycling sessions.

polarized training

Here is an extensive list of accessories that you can take into account for your next training sessions on the trainer:

  • Towels: as you know, with indoor cycling you sweat more than with outdoor training. You’ll appreciate having at least a couple of towels with you to dry off during the session. Your bike and its components will also appreciate it.
  • Cycle protector: in the same way that we use a towel to get rid of sweat, some brands manufacture a kind of protector that is placed between the handlebars and the seat and collects all our sweat, preventing the bike from suffering.
  • Mat: the same as the protector for the frame, but in this case to protect the floor from all your sweat. These mats or mats are designed to place our roller and the bike on them, avoiding possible damage to the sleep of our home.
  • Fan: an almost essential accessory. It will help you to control your body temperature, something crucial since indoors we do not have a current of air as it happens when we pedal outdoors.
  • Desk: there are specific desks for indoor training. These are elevated platforms that allow you to place a PC or tablet right in front of your bike, giving you easy access to the device and improving your vision. When with locking wheels, which allow to move it easily, as well as to lock it during training, and anti-slip surface.
  • Headphones: can help improve the listening experience, allowing you to better enjoy the BKOOL environment. Or simply not to disturb your family while they rest or enjoy their hobbies

If you haven’t had the chance to try BKOOL yet, you can try it for FREE for 30 days on our website.

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