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Calorie counting for bike roller users

Calorie counting is not the best diet plan for bike roller users

When it comes to diet and nutrition, everyone will keep talking about calorie counting. You will hear people commenting on how calories can be bad for your body. Staying fit is not just about counting calorie intake and expenditure. The source of calories is more important than the amount of calories you take. Essentially, the calories you get from soybeans are not same as the calories you get from a banana cream pie even though they have the same calorie count. Understanding this will help you to devise a proper nutrition plan to build strength while training on an indoor bike trainer.

Calorie counting by Cynthia Sass

Carbohydrates, protein and fat are the three essential components that supply calories to your body. Cynthia Sass, Co Author of Flat Belly Diet says that the roles each of these macronutrients play are very different in keeping your body at optimal performance. You need to balance your intake of carbs, protein and fat while keeping calorie intake in check. Missing out on fat and fueling up only on carbs won’t give you the optimal body for cycling.

Calorie counting is not a good idea for training in bike rollers

To get lean and stay fit during your course on bike rollers, you need to include each macronutrient in every meal. You have to include 50 to 55% of carbohydrates, 25 to 30% of fats and 15 to 20% of protein in your meal. The source of these nutrients is important to keep your body fit. You should get carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil, omega 3 oils should be included in your meal. Lean meats offer best protein that is easily digestible, but you can also include fish, eggs, poultry, beans and lentils to get adequate protein.

While training on a bicycle trainer, you should eat snacks and meals higher in carbohydrates and lower in fat and protein just before and after training. The rest of your meals should be a properly balanced meal.

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