Train with Bkool and Mikel Azparren Bkoolers, this Orbea Week, the challenge was ridden by Orbea ambassador Mikel Azparren,  an ex-cyclist and trainer who has also ridden numerous long-distance challenges, yet another incentive to have trained with Bkool this week. Also this...
The latest update for our simulator is here, and it comes with important new features to make sure your workout remains the best part of your day. Want to know everything we’ve included? New pairing system When it comes to workouts,...
One of the great features of the BKOOL cycling simulator is the ability to join leagues. These virtual stage races give you the opportunity ride with and against cyclists from around the globe, and do it on your own...
A new route each day. There's always a good reason to ride on BKOOL. With #StageOfTheDay, it's even easier. There's no better way to follow the pro peloton and get a feel for what they go through than to ride...
Bkoolers, here’s another week’s worth of tips from our friend Mikel Azparren, expert trainer and cyclist specializing in long-distance challenges. You’ve no doubt seen him over these past weeks in some Bkool Winter Cup challenge. Well, he loves to...
After exceeding all expectations with our #GiroBkool and breaking our own records with a #TourBkool that featured over 2200 participants in the month of July, the best of the summer is yet to come with the #LaVueltaBkool! The format will be the same as...


You’re constantly searching for the best performance, but what do you have to do to get there? What factors have to be kept in mind? What kind of workout should you consider? Let’s start by getting familiar with some basic...
We start with the Spanish Duathlon Middle Distance and Age Group Championships Standard Distance – Soria Throughout 2022, BKOOL is providing you the unprecedented opportunity to pre-ride and train with other cyclists on the actual cycling segments of the upcoming...
We propose some routes for your indoor training this week. And if you want to really "go into battle", don't miss our Challenge on Wednesday, featuring the final km of the Milan - Turin RIDE IN THE MILAN - TURIN WITH...
1. Save the gym fee Why pay for classes at the gym if you can do them at home – with the same or better results? Our instructors are real pros, recruited from some the best indoor cycling studios worldwide;...
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