Periodisation is a key tool in the field of sports training, whether you're preparing for a cycling competition, using a simulator such as BKOOL, or simply looking to improve your overall performance. Through a proper training structure over weeks and...
When we dive into the world of cycling, whether as amateurs or professionals, a common question is how we can effectively measure our progress. Performance data not only reflects where we are today, but also tells us how to...
Normalized power is a concept that has gained great importance in the world of sports and physical training in recent years. It is an advanced metric that seeks to offer a more precise view of the intensity and effort...
Hypoxia training has emerged as an innovative strategy within the world of fitness and physical preparation, attracting the attention of athletes, coaches, and amateurs alike. The premise is simple: subject the body to conditions of low oxygen availability to stimulate...
Indoor cycling has gained remarkable popularity in recent years, making it an excellent choice for those looking for an efficient and safe way to exercise. Unlike outdoor cycling, indoor cycling allows enthusiasts to stay active in all weather conditions,...
The world of cycling is full of strategies and techniques to maximise performance, and one of the most crucial is tapering before a competition. This technique involves a planned reduction in training before a major race. The aim is...
Perhaps the three terms that appear in the headline are the three fundamental factors for an athlete to be able to succeed. Endurance, to last longer than anyone else and give a similar performance throughout the entire event; Speed,...
For every cyclist, be they amateur or professional, the word cadence resonates with importance. It refers to the speed at which a cyclist pedals, measured in revolutions per minute (rpm). In the realm of cycling, achieving the ideal cadence...
Cycling, in its purest and most competitive expression, is not just a matter of legs. Sure, strength, endurance, and technique are crucial. But in a sport where differences are often measured in seconds, aerodynamics stands as a decisive factor...
Paincave, you might have heard this term, or perhaps not. Regardless of how familiar you are with the word, it's time to grasp its true meaning and why it's paramount for your training routine. Essentially, a 'paincave' is a...
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