Maximal aerobic power: what is it and why is it important in cycling?
The world of cycling is full of words and terms that, sometimes, we do not know and can cause us confusion. This […]

FTP: what is it and why is it important in cycling?
FTP is one of the most fashionable acronyms in cycling, but what do those three letters stand for and why […]

What are the cycling metrics you need to know?
If you feel overwhelmed by cycling data and metrics, don’t worry. We’ll help you to get your head around them. Data is essential […]

From Cycling to Triathlon: Does my Training Change on the Smart Trainer?
Triathlon cycling training is a complex matter. Cycling itself is already a sport, but when it comes to the cycling […]

7 routes in Belgium that will surprise you
Do you want to ride the routes that saw cycling greats Eddy Merckx, Roger De Vlaeminck, Tom Boonen, Rik Van […]

What is the best pedaling frequency?
Have you heard this debate about the best pedaling cadence. There is no perfect cadence for all cyclists and situations. Why? […]