Improve your security online in order to continue enjoying BKOOL. It will only take you a minute!


Due to the new European Payments services Directive (PSD2), from 1st February 2021 it is not possible to carry out transactions on your debit/credit card online without you having renewed the authentication.  The aim is to improve your security online and at BKOOL, we have made it easy for you to do so.

In order to comply with the Directive, you must renew your payment method at (In MY SUBSCRIPTION). You can use the exact same card which you had registered beforehand, or opt to include a new card. This process makes a 1€($/£) test payment, which will then be fully refundedback  to you.

We advise you to renew your payment method as soon as possible, so you do not lose your BKOOL subscription.

Even though this is an obligatory requirement in all of Europe, we are going to hold a prize draw for 5 Premium annual subscriptions for all the Bkoolers that complete this process before Monday 8th February.  Renew your card now and you could be one of the lucky ones!

Thank you for trusting BKOOL.


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