How to use BKOOL Route Editor 2?


1. General information

BKOOL Video Route Editor 2 is a program that lets you review your recorded video routes, make sure that the GPS file is correct, check and adjust the gradients if your GPS device fails and, finally, share your route so that the entire BKOOL user community can use it. 

While the editor is very simple to use, we recommend that you read the tips in this manual.

When you finish reviewing the video route, you can upload it to with your username and password. The file will not be published immediately, since it has to be approved first. Please be patient.

Once the video route is available at, every user will be able to train with it. You can upload as many video routes as you like to BKOOL, as long as they comply with our posting guidelines. 

All you need to create your own video routes is a camera and a GPS.

Formats: The video must be in the MP4/H264 format and you need a GPX format GPS file recorded by the camera itself. If your camera does not have built-in GPS, you will need a separate GPS device to record the route data at the same time as you record the video. Remember to turn both devices on and off at the same time. It will be much easier to record and edit the videos if you use a camera with built-in GPS. 

We recommend that the videos you upload to the platform be in HD 1080 quality.

If you only have a video file with no matching GPS data, you will not be able to upload the route to BKOOL, since the resulting quality would not be acceptable.

2. How to record your video routes

2.1 Before you start recording

Once you are familiar with the camera, create a route map so you can record it without stopping. You should try not to stop while recording; if you do, you will have to remove these pauses using video editing software.

Make sure that the GPS has detected the satellites before you start recording. If using a stand-alone GPS unit, remember to turn it and the camera on and off at the same time.

Lastly, don’t worry about any sounds that may be recorded. The audio will be removed when you upload your video route to

2.2 Recording your videos

There are different ways to record your video routes. You will get higher quality videos if you mount the camera in a car or motorcycle.

The video will be acceptable if you mount the camera on your bicycle, but this is not the preferred option since the image will move around a lot. If you mount the camera to a helmet or chest harness, you will run into some problems, such as head movements that can alter the recording, or having some part of the body appear in the video, which could cause the recording to be rejected.

Here are some recommendations on recording from a car or motorcycle, and the driving speed when recording:

2.2.1 Recording from a car

Pros: The stand is very easy to mount and the recording is very stable. You can also easily charge the camera battery.

Cons: You have to drive slowly, which could cause problems with other vehicles. The cable connecting the camera to the cigarette lighter must be long enough. The recording height is slightly lower than where the rider’s eyes would be.


– Place the mount outside the windscreen, at the top and centered. Another option is to place it on the bonnet.

– Its height and position should be such that the camera does not record any part of the car.

– Make a short video and check it to make sure that no part of the car is in the shot and that the image is level, with the horizon in the middle.

– If necessary, connect the camera to the cigarette lighter or to some other power source in the vehicle. Depending on the duration of the recording, you could run out of battery.

2.2.2 Recording from a motorcycle

Pros: It is easier to drive slowly without causing problems for other vehicles. Camera movements on a motorcycle are more similar to the movements on a bike.

Cons: It is less common to have a motorcycle. There is no universal mount that works on all motorcycles. Bear in mind also that it should never be set up on the handlebar.


– Place the mount on a prominent part of the motorcycle with a smooth surface. You also have the option to secure it using Velcro, but a fixed mount is ideal.

– Do not place the camera on the handlebar, fork, fender or any moving part of the motorcycle.

– The camera has to move in sync with the motorcycle, so placing the mount on the fairing is always the best option.

– Only if the motorcycle doesn’t have a fairing should you consider placing the mount on the handlebar, in which case it should be centered to provide the best results.

2.2.3 Tips on driving speed while recording

– Drive at a speed that is as close to the actual speed of a cyclist. +/- 10% max.

– Pay special attention to uphills. Slow down gradually when the uphill begins. The ideal speed for an uphill is approximately the following: 35 km/h for 2-3%, 28-30 km/h for 4-5-6%, 22-25 km/h for 7-8-9% and 18 km/h for +10%.

– You don’t have to worry about the speed on downhills, but remember that you will be going faster than on the trainer, about 40 km/h or more. This could mean having to go fast through some curves or roundabouts.

– It may be useful to have a sign at the rear of the car to let drivers behind you know that you are recording. This way they will understand why you are driving so slowly.

If possible, try to drive the entire route without stopping. Every time you stop, the video will be interrupted and you will have to edit it out later. Try to avoid traffic, red lights, and similar situations that require stopping.

3. How to upload your routes and videos to BKOOL

3.0 Download BKOOL Video Route Editor 2

Once you have recorded your video route, it’s time to use the BKOOL video route editor. Download it from and install it on your PC or MacOSX.

We recommend using Windows 10 for PC or MacOSX 10.14 for Mac.

When you open the program, you will have to select whether you want to start a new project or open an existing one.

3.1 Creating a new project

Before creating a new project, have the following ready:

  • The video you recorded.
  • The associated GPX file.

If your video contains stops or segments that you need to edit out, you should do so with the camera manufacturer’s software. In this case, make sure that the GPS file is synchronized with the edited video.

The process for creating a new project is very simple:

  1. Select the video file.
  2. Select the GPX file.
  3. If your GPX file doesn’t have a title, add one to the project.
  4. You can now check your route!

The editor itself will do the checks between the video and the GPX file, and if they are not compatible, it will not let you continue.

3.2 Opening an existing project

You just have to select the project file that you previously saved (with the BVR extension) and load it. If the project is not compatible or the video is not in the proper location, the program will inform you.

3.3 Reviewing the route

The route review screen is divided into three areas:

  • Video playback.
  • A map of the GPS track.
  • A lower panel with the profile graph or data table.

As the video is played, the map will be updated to indicate the position of each data point recorded by the GPS. You will also be able to see the immediate position in the data table.

When you pause the video, the graph will show where the closest GPS point is. If you click anywhere on the graph, it will automatically take you to the closest recorded GPS point.

3.3.1 Most common fixes required 

The data obtained from GPS sometimes contain errors, especially in the altitude readings. These types of errors pose a major problem when it comes to recreating a ride that is as close to reality as possible. It is quite common for a GPS device to record erroneous data at some points. You can use the profile graph to quickly identify any points that have to be corrected.

You should also check that the GPS track is correct as a whole, that it follows the same path that you took in the video and that it accurately represents the reality of your route. We also strongly recommend that you check that the position on the map is correct at several points in the video; otherwise, the simulation will not reflect reality. Fixing elevation readings

The editor will indicate the number of segments with errors, that is, those with a change in altitude that is too high, meaning the elevation is not correct. If there are errors of this type, they will be indicated with an icon at the right of the editor, just above the graph. If you don’t see the icon, it means your route doesn’t contain any errors.

If you click on this icon, the system will automatically take you to the position of the first faulty data point in the table, which will be shown in red.

To correct an elevation problem, you have to select the appropriate row:

You then have two options:

  • You can let our system try to correct the elevation automatically.
  • If our system can’t correct the elevation fault, you can manually adjust the gradient of that area. In this case, we recommend keeping consistent values with respect to nearby elevations, both before and after.

You can also select an area of the profile and correct the gradient if you see a clear error:

Watch Video Fixing points on the map

This feature lets you make minor corrections to the position of points on the map or delete a point if it is faulty. You should not normally use this feature except to correct a point that is clearly in the wrong location. If the GPS track is wrong, you will not be able to correct it properly using this procedure, since the video and track would not be properly synchronized.

Three options are provided at the bottom right of the map:

  • Move aroundoin the map without moving the track.
  • Move the closest point on the track to the position indicated on the map.
  • Delete the closest point on the track.

The following video explains these options.

3.4 Publishing your route

We recommend that you save your project several times whilst editing, and especially before publishing. This way, if a problem occurs while uploading the video, you can easily try again without losing your progress.

Before posting your video route, review the content and use restrictions. They are important, since a video that violates any of them will not be published.

To finish, click on the “Publish” button, identify yourself with your BKOOL username and upload your route. The upload process could take several minutes, depending on the size of the video. Please do not close the application or turn off the computer until the process is complete.

4. Terms of service

The BKOOL video route editor, as well as its use, and the posting of videos by users, are subject to the BKOOL Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. 

4.1 Content and use restrictions.

Failure to comply with any of the following rules will invalidate your video and cause the file to be rejected.

  • does not allow the posting of pornographic or sexual content.
  • The publication of videos with content showing illegal activities or conduct – such as any type of discrimination against people, the abuse or mistreatment of animals, consumption of drugs, alcohol, tobacco or any other substance whose use is restricted or prohibited, etc. – is not allowed.
  • No explicit or gratuitous violence is allowed. A video showing someone being attacked, harassed or humiliated will not be accepted.
  • The website is not intended for the publication of shocking images. Do not post morbid videos of accidents, dead bodies or the like, which are intended to cause a sense of shock or revulsion.
  • Respect copyrights. Only upload videos created by you or videos that you have the right to use. This means that you must not upload videos that you have not created, or use content in your videos that is copyrighted by someone else (such as music tracks or clips of programs protected by copyright), or videos created by other users, without the necessary consent.
  • User-recorded videos are not allowed to contain advertising. Any video that contains unauthorized advertising will be rejected.
  • Any video that repeatedly shows parts of the cyclist, car, motorcycle or bicycle that was used to record it will be rejected. Videos that are clearly out of focus, off-center or taken from an unacceptable angle of view will not be accepted.
  • Avoid the excessive use of logos or text in the videos you record, as this could be grounds for rejection.


  1. Hi,
    I have tried to upload a bike ride using the video editor but failed. The problem I think is that I am using a video camera and a seperate gps.

    I would like to purchase a camera with an inbuilt gps. Is there any you recommend? What is the easiest setup to but to enable me to record and upload to Bkool using the video editor?

  2. Hello, I’m interested in filming a few routes and upload to BKool.
    I’ve been mostly reading up Fulgaz upload, but they are so restrictive in the choice of camera.

    I read from above that the video should be 1080. Any plan to accept higher resolution video? Cameras nowadays capture much higher quality than 1080.


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