Tips for staying motivated on the trainer

cycling FTP
Picture: BKOOL

Even professional athletes face tough days when the desire to train is conspicuous by its absence. But it is precisely those days you’d prefer to stay on the couch when training can make the difference.

Those days are “worth double” because you not only get to improve your fitness, but also work on your mental strength – something that can be decisive on race day.

If you don’t want to give up on those difficult days, here are some tips to keep your motivation high and make the time invested worthwhile.

Set goals

This is probably the most important step in keeping motivated – not only on the trainer, but in sports in general. If you don’t have goals on the horizon, sometimes it can be difficult to find the will on those days when work, obligations, fatigue or laziness test your commitment.

Setting goals is key to a successful season.

Create an inspiring space

If you browse social networks, you’ve surely seen those impressive “pain caves” – but rooms dedicated to training are not just for bragging on Instagram. They have enormous potential as a source of motivation for training.

You’re much more likely to spend time and push yourself in a space you can relate to, where you’re comfortable and we have everything you need for your workout. Set up your training space properly and your indoor cycling sessions will be much more bearable.

Social workouts

Many cyclists associate indoor cycling with something boring and lonely, but not anymore. BKOOL’s virtual cycling simulator lets you enjoy an infinite number of routes around the world, as well as competitions and events – all in the company of others.

Make your sessions fun

Random cycling for an hour is probably not that fun or motivating. That’s why you should make your workouts engaging. One way to do this is with dynamic sessions. 

At BKOOL, you can easily design fun workouts tailored to your needs with our workout planner. No cyclist wants to leave the job half done, so a well-planned session is a great source of motivation for getting on the trainer.

Multimedia content

With the amount of content available to today, it’s almost impossible to get bored on the trainer. You can watch movies, TV shows, documentaries, podcasts, race videos, social media content,… The options for distraction are endless.

Surely you have a movie or TV series you haven’t found the time to enjoy. Or maybe you missed the last edition of your favorite classic race. Take advantage of your indoor training to catch up!

BKOOL is the most complete cycling simulator on the market – try it FREE for 30 days!


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