Cycling is a discipline that demands a lot both physically and mentally. However, the vital importance of breakfast to a cyclist's performance is often overlooked. As the saying goes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Within...
Written by James “Jim” Peterman, PhD, the Cofounder & Chief Science Officer at Nutrition provides the foundation for achieving your cycling goals. While proper nutrition is essential for fueling workouts and races, the rate of digestion also plays a...
Cardiac variability is a topic that has captured the attention of athletes and coaches alike. This measure, which reflects fluctuations in the time interval between heartbeats, offers a unique window into understanding our cardiovascular health and athletic performance. In...
In recent years, gravel cycling has experienced a remarkable surge in popularity. This type of cycling, which takes place on a variety of terrains such as paved roads, gravel tracks, trails and dirt paths, presents a unique and thrilling...
Gran Fondo cycling has experienced a remarkable growth in popularity in recent years. This type of event attracts cyclists of all abilities who want to challenge their limits and enjoy epic rides. However, preparing for a Gran Fondo requires...
When a bike injury sidelines a cycling enthusiast from their passion, the road to recovery can be both a physical and mental challenge. It's not just about regaining physical capability, but also rebuilding confidence and adapting to new circumstances....
Embarking on your first triathlon adventure can be a daunting challenge. But don't worry, we're here to help you take it one step at a time. With the right preparation, completing a triathlon is not only possible, but can...
Slipstream, also known as "drafting" in cycling, is a technique used to take advantage of the suction generated by a cyclist in front. Thanks to this technique, the cyclist behind takes advantage of the reduced wind resistance and allows...
When you eat, your body does many complex things to digest and absorb the nutrients in your food. One of these adaptations involves changes in blood circulation, especially in the digestive system. What happens when food reaches the stomach? Our...
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