Discover the latest update to the Bkool Simulator


Bkoolers, we’re constantly looking at ways to improve the Bkool Simulator. We always listen to your requests and would like to thank you for giving us the heads up. The latest update has some highly requested features which will please many of you!
Here you have the details of the latest release:

The main updates

3D graphics improvements:
– Night time will never be as scary or dark! We’ve increased the light making it just as fun to ride under the stars as riding under the warm sun!

– To make things a little more realistic, we’ve added roundabouts and petrol stations. We know that cyclists run on muscle power, but petrol stations are a great reference point when riding out on the road. We’ve put them in the exact location so that riding the route feels more familiar. We will be adding this to every route.

– We have continued expanding the types of land, trees and shrubs that you find around the simulator. Remember, you will see it much better if you choose the ULTRA quality level in the graphics menu.


Live section of the Bkool Simulator
We know that if you do live sessions it is because you like to be with more users. Therefore, now you will find the best selection of sessions with the highest number of users taking part shown first in the LIVE section of the Bkool Simulator so now you can train with the company of other Bkoolers from around the world.

We have also removed the limitation of results so you can continue to look through all the sessions until you find the right one!


Bluetooth compatibility and Windows 10.
Windows has released a number of updates and we have taken advantage of them to recover our Bluetooth compatibility with this operating system. Of course, it will still be necessary to first pair the devices to Windows before doing it in our simulator (in the future, we hope to open another “window” to avoid this confusion).

* Win10 version 1709.16299.125


Training Peaks
You can import your workouts directly from Training Peaks to complete them inside the Bkool Simulator. Adding even more value to your Bkool Premium subscription.

Delete programmed sessions
One of the biggest requests was to delete programmed sessions. We’ve listened and implemented the option to remove a session from your programmed list. It’s as easy as clicking the rubbish bin (🗑) located at the end of the row.

We’ve updated the calculation of your FTP giving you a more accurate result. You can now put how many hours you train within your profile meaning you can personalise your training to your exact needs.

Fitness classes using heart-rate/cadence meter
If you love our Fitness classes but do not have a smart trainer or a smart bike, don’t despair! You can still complete an indoor cycling class simply by using a heart rate sensor or your cadence meter. Of course, we continue to recommend the experience in combination with the Bkool Smart Bike as it gives a much more exciting workout without having to change the resistance manually.


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