Given the fact that all of you enjoy riding with fellow BKOOLers, today we bring you an article explaining how you can join the Group Rides for the Giro d’Italia Virtual hosted by BKOOL. In the following video you will find a guide to start enjoying all that this experience has to offer:
If this is your first time in BKOOL, here are all the steps you need to follow to make it easier for you to find your way around:
1. Pairing your smart trainer with BKOOL
First of all, you need to pair your Smart Trainer with the BKOOL Simulator. If you have already logged into the simulator before you can skip this step, otherwise, you can pair it directly from the Main Screen.
2. Select the Group Ride you want to join:
The next step will be selecting the Group Ride you want to ride in. You have to click on the Giro d’Italia Virtual section, which is at the top of the Simulator Main Screen. Once you are there, select the stage you want to join.
3. Select the time
After pressing the PLAY button, you will be able to select the Group Ride you want to join. You will have the option to join different ones through the day.
4. Enjoy the ride and have fun
The PLAY button will be available 10 minutes before the Group Ride starts. Once you join the session a 10 minute warm-up will appear so you can give your best during the event.
And the final step is to have fun training with the fellow BKOOLers and comment on the Group Ride on social media with your group mates.