Bicycle Trainer | Travel In The Path Of Explorers On Lewis & Clark Trail


Bicycle Trainer | Experience Travelers Fun On Lewis & Clark Trail


Riding on a bicycle trainer is a great way to improve biking skills and performance, but sometimes, it is fun to experience the outside world. If you are determined to go on a cycling trip, you should choose to follow the footsteps of the Corps of Discovery. The historic Lewis & Clark trail is one of a kind which gives you an opportunity to travel on the path taken by magnificent explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. The cycling route closely follows Missouri and Columbia rivers. The trail is a combination of bike paths, paved roads, unpaved raw rail trails and gravel roads. These varying conditions will prepare you for intense racing competitions.


Riding Trails Is Different From Riding A Bicycle Trainer


On a bicycle trainer at home, you will ride with full concentration for a couple of hours per day a few times a week. As you will be at home, you will have complete access to food and water. However, cycling trips are different because you will travel through unknown locations and you won’t know about the availability of water and food. The Lewis & Clark trail is special as the entire route is challenging with rough roads and sparse services. You need to plan your daily mileage properly if you want to complete riding on the trail.


Along the Lewis & Clark Trail, you will cover multiple states starting from Illinois and heading south to Montana. If you enjoy history, you will find the trail more fascinating as you explore museums and interpretive centers along the route. Rocky Mountains may sometimes welcome you with snow and you should take weather conditions into account before you set out for your journey. Outdoor cycling is much different from a bicycle trainer as you have to deal with tailwinds and headwinds along the historical trail. This trail is customizable allowing you to choose your path with many options to cut through some states.



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