Bike Rollers | Great Divide Trail Attracts Adventure Cyclists


Bike Rollers | Adventure Enthusiasts Should Venture Out On The Great Divide Trail


If you enjoy cycling because it is an adventurous sport, you should do more than logging hours on bike rollers. Getting outdoor is an important part of training properly on a bike. The racing competitions are sometimes held on picturesque routes, but you won’t get to enjoy the view as you will be busy overcoming your competitors. To recharge your mind and body, you should try to incorporate a scenic adventure ride at least once a month.  The trail you choose for riding is important because most of the trails are developed with average cyclists in mind. The developers hope to ensure that those who begin their cycling journey on the route complete the journey without any problem.


Give Up Bike Rollers For A Few Days For An Adventurous Ride


The Great Divide trail is a mountain bike premier off-pavement cycling route. It is a remote route with excellent scenery and terrain. You can enjoy a 200,000 feet of elevation gain as you complete your cycling journey on the trail. Geographically, the Great Divide trail is split into different regions and each region offers something new every day. This change of scenery and terrain, makes outdoor riding exciting than bike rollers.


You will start your ride in the border of Canada and head south towards Montana. Deep woods allow you to enjoy wilderness while getting your workout. Inviting wide open mountain valleys welcome you to Wyoming and you should be prepared to climbing on steep sections on some roads. After riding for a short 72 miles in Idaho, you can cross into Wyoming which offers surprises in the form of backcountry campsites and hot springs. You will cross the Colorado Rockies as you proceed on the trail to New Mexico. Southern Colorado offers some pretty good mountains which make the trail all the more interesting to ride and it can be a great experience without bike rollers.



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