Prepare to give it your all in the Cruce del Istmo


This week we bring you a new route in the Tour de las Americas: El Cruce del Istmo. This is the biggest MTB race in Panama, crossing the Isthmus of Panama, starting on the Atlantic coast and crossing 120 km across the country all the way to the Pacific coast. You can enjoy this cycling gem with our immersive video experience, which allows you to travel to Panama without leaving home.

You have one week to complete the route and enter the ranking of the event. Among all the Bkoolers who complete and save the route from the 22nd to the 28th of August, we will raffle out a pair of Northweek Regular sunglasses and a pair of Northweek Phantom sunglasses. You can do the stage when it suits you best during the Virtual Isthmus Crossing week or sign up for any of the Group Rides that we will be held throughout the event.

When the Tour of the Americas Northweek finishes, if you have managed to collect all the finisher bibs for each of the stages, send us an email to and we will reward you with 5000 BKOOL points so that you can redeem them on the virtual bicycles that are about to arrive on the simulator. You will also be entered into a draw to win a coupon for 3 free months of BKOOL Premium and a special edition Tissot Giro d’Italia watch.

In addition, you will be training for one of the events of the Spanish Triathlon Federation at the Spanish Championships in Banyoles, so you can prepare the route like a pro. Prepare from home for the event and when you do the stage on Saturday you’ll know the route like the back of your hand.

At BKOOL we will continue working to make the simulation more and more real. Try it FREE for 30 days!


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