If you’re a regular reader of our magazine, you’ll know that you can often find tips here on how to improve on two wheels. For example, we’ve talked about how to become a better climber and to become a faster cyclist. Today, the...
Even professional athletes face tough days when the desire to train is conspicuous by its absence. But it is precisely those days you'd prefer to stay on the couch when training can make the difference. Those days are “worth double”...
As sports enthusiasts, we all have a gene that makes us want to surpass ourselves in each training session. When we're in shape and see progress, we all feel the temptation to give a little more. Sometimes, we also...
Now that autumn has shown its face, the cold and the rain have arrived, which is not as favourable for cycling. Fortunately, thanks to platforms such as BKOOL, we can successfully bridge the most unfavorable months of the year for the practice of...
We normally start off the cycling “year” or season full of hopes, but remember that haste isn’t a good companion when talking about bikes…. The basis of a good construction is a good foundation. It’s the same thing here. You...
Imagine you have a mountainous goal in sight: like a cycling event or triathlon with tons of elevation gain. But due to either your schedule or the weather (or both), you just can’t get out to train as you...
Indoor cycling has become a great ally for many enthusiasts who use BKOOL as a tool to get the most out of their training. When a lack of time or unfavorable weather play against us, BKOOL becomes a great solution to continue with our preparation and not...
Although VO2Max has an important genetic component, as it is closely related to heredity factors, it can be significantly improved with training. Let’s see how we can use BKOOL to our advantage to become better cyclists by improving VO2Max on the bike. What...
FTP, an acronym for Functional Threshold Power, is one of the most universal terms in cycling. To sum it up quickly, FTP is the average power that a cyclist can maintain for one hour, and it's widely accepted as a primary indicator of physical fitness....
How many times have we heard that going to the gym isn’t for cyclists? They always use the same excuse: “When I lift weights I gain muscle mass and then I can’t climb well.” This common complaint results in...
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